
The Most Romantic Intimate Wedding Venue Devon!
Our aim here at Millbrook is to create a roman­tic and in­timate venue where co­u­ples can fully enjoy the speci­al day they have chos­en for them­selves with­out hav­ing the worry or stress that can be in­vol­ved with a wedd­ing. We aim to offer outstand­ing cus­tom­er ser­vice and high stan­dards of at­ten­tion to de­tail.
We don’t have stan­dard wedd­ing pac­kages as we be­lieve every wedd­ing should be tailor-made, uni­que and full of your per­sonal­ity and ideas. We en­courage our co­u­ples to think out­side the norm­al wedd­ing square – it is your speci­al day! Our 5* Gold award-winning luxu­ry ac­commoda­tion pro­vides a choice of varied styles and bud­gets to suit every­one.We thrive on guid­ing you with your ideas and creat­ing that uni­que day for you.
Words and photog­raphs can’t al­ways cap­ture the roman­ce and charm of our be­auti­ful Summ­er House.Our wedd­ing co­u­ples love the Summ­er House. We can open the 5-metre doors, creat­ing an al­fres­co venue; you can even have most of your ceremony con­duc­ted amongst the be­auti­ful flow­er bord­ers or under the an­cient oak tree. In the wint­er, the doors can re­main closed, and you can enjoy being cosy by the roar­ing log fire and the twinkl­ing candles highlight­ing the roman­tic at­mosphere pro­vided by the Summ­er House.You will fall in love at first sight! The roman­ce of the Summ­er House is truly un­believ­able. With lit candles and pet­als on the floor, it’s an amaz­ing place to say ‘I Do’.
For a winter wedding,se boasts a large fireplace that serves as a warming fire.
Prices start from only £999!
We appreciate that every wedding is unique, so we would love to be able to discuss your individual requirements with you.
We have availability for this Spring, Summer and Autumn!

Key Details
25 - 165
Details & FAQs
Venue type:
  • In the country
  • Historic
  • Outdoor license
Ceremony options:
  • Civil ceremony licence
Dining options:
  • Private catering allowed
Overnight accommodation:
  • Overnight accommodation for wedding couple
  • Overnight accommodation for guests
Venue staff assistance:
  • Wedding coordinator
Other features:
  • Exclusive use
  • Car parking
  • Helipad
  • Changing room for wedding guests
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Listing last updated: 4 weeks ago